Premiere Oklahoma Moving Company – 405-445-7637

In a recent write up on SeattlePi, cities around the country were examined and compared for livability and likelihood to offer the best amenities for young people seeking a metro area with urban centers close to jobs and services. Oklahoma City was named as one of these locations, along with Seattle, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, […]

According to data compiled in a recent survey by Chain Store Age magazine, several retail outlets are looking to set up shop and develop brick & mortar storefronts in the Oklahoma City area. The publication spent over a month surveying retailers and garnered data from almost 160 different companies. So who’s looking to come to […]

Oklahoma City commercial space is becoming less and less available, according to a recent write up in the News Oklahoma publication that shared current statistics and availability for commercial tenants in need of warehouse space in the metropolitan area. The vacancy rate in the area went down significantly over the mid-year study, shrinking from 20.4 […]

Oklahoma City is among a few cities in the nation that were relatively unphased during the housing crisis, and according to the city has oil production to that for that success. The oil industry has helped lower the unemployment rates and also raise property values in the middle- America city. The Oklahoma City movers […]

While the internet has become a convenient and reliable source of information and also a place for leisure, there are certain dangers that can occur online—and the Oklahoma real estate market is no exception to that rule. Internet scammers are targeting hopeful buyers in the area and luring them in to false transactions both for […]

In a recent study by KPMG, a tax and accounting firm, the top place for a business to open up shop in the United States is right here in Oklahoma City! With comparisons made on 13 different locations with 26 different levels of criteria, it’s a pretty impressive accomplishment. Oklahome City offers strong cost advantages […]

Oklahoma City real estate prices have been strong lately, as the median home sales priced increased in the local market by 8.5% in comparison to 2011. But how does that compare to the rest of the nation? The Oklahoma City movers investigate. Based on varied curricula, such as unemployment rates, home prices, trends in home […]

The downtown parking system in Oklahoma City is apparently growing slower than the population in the area–parking garages are at a 95% occupancy rate and parking is no longer a guaranteed perk for new companies looking to move into the downtown district. With what seems like terrible timing, the city also was notified by the […]

Oklahoma City is staying afloat in the industry commercial real estate with impressive numbers that show the vacancy rate dropping from 24.9 to the current 8.9 percent. This positive trend has been apparent since late 2010. Absorption rate was at a high in 2011, and vacant space reduced significantly. Experts, including us here at the […]

An Oklahoma city was named as one of the top five places where being a landlord is most profitable. Coming in 5th in a Top 5 Report, Tulsa was named as a great place to own property, with jobs on the rise, a projected increase in new renters moving in, and a current monthly rent […]